Chennai: OCTOBER 25 – NOVEMBER 2, 2012
Gurvandanam Function
Instead of seeking (worldly things), pray to God to remove your ego, to eliminate your desires, to cultivate compassion and to cross the ocean of Samsara.
(Words of the Jagadguru during the Anugraha Bhashanam at this event)
On October 26th, the devotees of Chennai organized a function titled “Respectful Gratitude” at Sudharma to honour Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji.
That evening, the Jagadguru first blessed a large group of people (young and old) with special needs. The Jagadguru blessed this group of blind and physically challenged people and they were given new clothing, tools (wheel chairs, hearing-aids) to improve their life and Prasadam blessed by the Jagadguru.
Sri A. Krishnamoorthy’s Vote of Thanks
The public function began with Veda Ghosha and prayer. The Chairman of the Chennai Vijaya Yatra Committee, Sri A Krishnamoorthy spoke on the occasion, saying ” We had been to Sringeri in January 2012 invite the Jagadguru to Chennai as part of the Vijaya Yatra. We also placed our request to the Jagadguru to observe Chaturmasya Vrata at Chennai and also celebrate Navaratri at Chennai. It was our earnest desire for us to request the Jagadguru to observe Chaturmasya at Chennai. However, it almost seemed like greed when we requested the Jagadguru to celebrate Navaratri here. I also feared if we were going overboard with our request. All of us in the group felt that we might get admonished by the Jagadguru but we knew how compassionate He is. Our Jagadguru did not admonish us. Instead, He has given us such a big Anugraha.”
He continued, “Our Jagadguru graced Chennai on 14th June, more than a hundred days after the start of the Vijaya Yatra. During those days, He had blessed so many people, taught them through His Anugraha Bhashanams, stayed for a day, two days or more in every place, performed many Kumbhabishekas and Pujas. In Chennai, the Jagadguru conducted the Kumbhabhishekas at Kodambakkam and RA Puram and graced many institutions. The enthusiasm among the people only kept increasing.”
“We all know how much we were blessed out of His compassion during the Chaturmasya observed at Sudharma for a period of three months. There may have been a few amidst us who could have had gone to Sringeri to witness the events in Chaturmasya (had it been observed in Sringeri). However, we all had the fortune of having the Darshan of the Jagadguru twice a day and witnessing Him perform the Sharada Chandramoulishwara Puja every night.”
Sri Krishnamoorthy mentioned that he had originally thought of reading out a written speech, but had then decided to pour his heart out. He recounted how the Jagadguru unflinchingly and compassionately gave Darshan even in the early mornings after 6 AM during Go Puja, with the devotees having Darshan even after the Chandramoulishwara Puja until well past 10 PM every night.
He said that he was amazed with the response from the people of Chennai, for when Sudharma was getting ready to receive the Jagadguru, there seemed to be doubts over how sustained the flow of devotees would be after Chaturmasya began. After the first few weeks, the arrangements had to be enhanced to accommodate the ever-increasing stream of devotees coming to have Darshan of the Jagadguru.
He continued, “What have we not seen during these months – be it Vinayaka Chaturthi, Krishna Jayanti, Vamana Jayanti, Varalakshmi Vrata, Somavara Puja. I wonder if any other location, outside Sringeri, would have had the fortune of paving the way for devotees to have Darshan of the Jagadguru over more than 100 days”
“We are indeed very very greatly blessed. Do we really deserve all of this?. Obviously the Jagadguru feels so. It is the Jagadguru who has instilled in us the strength to receive Him here and serve Him for all these days. We are indeed very very grateful to the Jagadguru for acceding to our requests, for being with us, and for blessing us in the manner in which He has blessed for as long as He has been actually blessed us.” He then submitted His gratitude on behalf of all at the Lotus Feet of the Jagadguru.
Sri A Krishnamoorthy then proceeded to thank the Tamil Nadu Government, the Chennai Mayor, the Ministry of HR&CE for their excellent cooperation and support rendered during the Jagadguru’s Vijaya Yatra in Tamil Nadu.
He also thanked in particular the special speakers of the day including Dr. Sudha Seshayyan, Guru Bhakta Mani P R Ramasubrahmaneya Raja and Guru Bhakta Shiromani Sri N Srinivasan.
Special words of praise were reserved for the staff of the Peetham led by CEO and Administrator, Sri V R Gowrishankar. Sri Krishnamoorthy termed Sri Gowrishankar as a person who has dedicated his life for the conduct of affairs at the Peetham, who leads an efficient team that is very considerate to the devotees, and is very supportive in more ways than one of everything that has to be done to make such a visit of the Jagadguru a success. He also remembered Sri Gowrishankar’s contribution in conducting the Ati Rudra Mahayaga in the USA, and the scale of Annadanam happening in Sringeri. He also praised Sri Gowrishankar not merely for his administrative abilities but for his deep knowledge of the tradition, culture and history of the Peetham over many centuries. It was this aspect where the guidance from Sri Gowrishankar and his team was most important, to ensure that the celebrations took place properly, and in a manner in which the Jagadguru would be satisfied.
He had special words of thanks for Sri Thotatharani, who had made all the set and decorative arrangements at Sudharma. Even the support staff of electricians and videographers did not escape the long list of people who were thanked on the occasion. Sri Krishnamoorthy mentioned that the video coverage and the giant LED screen had helped them witness Sri Chandramoulishwara Puja and Sri Chakra Puja at such close quarters as was made possible. He then had sincere words of praise for the security arrangements and all officials involved in the maintaining peace and security.
Probably the greatest of acknowledgements went duly to the team that ensured the large-scale Annadanam during the Jagadguru’s stay at Sudharma. Sri A Krishnamoorthy thanked every devotee and all the volunteers involved for making the stay of the Jagadguru special. He mentioned that such a disciplined crowd over the many months was remarkable.
Feeling that words were not enough and it was more appropriate to prostrate before the Jagadguru than to keep thanking Him or expressing gratitude, Sri A Krishnamoorthy concluded his address with Sashtanga Pranams to the Jagadguru.
Other Notaries Speak
Guru Bhakta Mani P R Subrahmaneya Raja speaking on the occasion, remembered that Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam had told him that the greatest gift for the Peetham was Sri Sri Sannidhanam, and that Sri Sri Sannidhanam was blessed with a golden hand, signifying that the Peetham would soar to new heights during His time.
Guru Bhakta Shiromani Sri N Srinivasan then spoke, saying that when the Jagadguru was first approached requesting for a Vijaya Yatra to Chennai, He had replied saying it would happen as per Goddess Sharada’s desire. So they immediately offered prayers to the Goddess. He said that the conduct of the Chennai Vijaya Yatra is a lesson for all of us on hospitality and devotion. It made everyone feel: Why would anyone not come to have Darshan of our walking living God – the Jagadguru? He also recalled recalled the words of Administrator Sri Gowrishankar said during a Vardhanti function in Sringeri, “Is there not sometime in each of our lives, when we have not been a recipient and beneficiary of the Jagadguru’s Grace?” Sri N Srinivasan expressed his unshakeable faith in the Jagadguru and expressed his gratitude. He added that when the Vijaya Yatra moves on, a big void would be created in the hearts of the people of Chennai for they have all enjoyed over the last four months the Darshan of the Acharya. He also expressed that no matter how long the Acharya will be at Chennai, we will never feel content as the devotees behold God in the Acharya.
Everyone felt that while “Sudharma” refers to Indra Sabha (the court of the King of Gods, Indra), the Jagadguru by His stay had transformed Sudharma into Yatindra Sabha.
Dr. Sudha Seshayyan, medical professor, Dr. MGR Medical University and popular literary figure, said that the Vijaya Yatra of the Acharya to Chennai was a great boon for the residents of Chennai, and expressed her heart-felt devotion. She felt that the entire city had obtained a serene ambience by the stay of the Acharya and expressed that everything is possible when we have the Guru in our minds.
Sri VR Gowrishankar, CEO of Sringeri Sharada Peetham Speaks
Guru Seva Dhurina Sri V R Gowrishankar mentioned that Oct 26th was the 134th day since the Jagadguru arrived in Chennai. On average, 50 Vedic scholars trained in Rudram and Chamakam had been chanting in the Sharada Chandramoulishwara Puja every day and this chanting alone accounted to be the equivalent of conducting five Ati Rudrams at Chennai. It was a feeling of great satisfaction for everyone that, on the average 2000 people had Darshan of the Jagadguru every day and were given Annadanam and the recorded number of people during the last 3.5 months is around 3 lakh 45 thousand. He stated that this is a Punya that everyone in the Vijaya Yatra committee shares. He remembered how fortunate we are for being a devotee and disciple of the Jagadguru. As Sri Adi Shankara has stated, the most difficult things to get are a human birth, the aspiration for liberation, and the association with Mahapurushas. Sri Gowrishankar spoke about the discipline of the Jagadguru and how He leads and teaches by example. He emphasized that even after the Jagadguru departs Chennai to continue His Vijaya Yatra, his spiritual presence and blessings will always be there here.
His Excellency, Governor of Tamil Nadu, Dr. K. Rosaiah was then received at the function. and he had Darshan of the Jagadguru and stayed until the end of the function.
DVD & Book Releases
Guru Bhakta Shiromani Sri N Srinivasan released the “Vedanta Volume 2” DVD containing the last seven discourses on Vedanta given by the Jagadguru during the Chennai Chaturmasya. The first copy was received by His Excellency, the Governor of Tamil Nadu. Copies were also received by Chairman of the Vijaya Yatra Committee, Sri A Krishnamoorthy Sri V R Gowrishankar and Smt. Geetha Gowrishankar, and Dr. KS Lakshmi, Convenor of the Vijaya Yatra Committee. A Tamil poetry work on Adi Shankaracharya, penned by Sri Viswanathan was also released.
His Excellency Governor Dr. K. Rosaiah Speaks
In His speech, His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu, Dr. K Rosaiah paid his reverence to the Jagadguru and said it was heartening to note that many temples and institutions had been graced by the Jagadguru, many Pujas and Vratas observed, and a number of social and religious causes attended to. The Governor spoke about the beauty of India stating that India is a home to all religions and it is quintessential to awaken the discipline in us to become masters of ourselves. The discourses of great Seers are aimed at bringing a change within. Whereever Sri Jagadguru Mahaswamiji went or gave a discourse, His words influenced the masses, strengthened their hearts and purified their minds. The discourses have had a tremendous impact and made many to follow the path of Dharma with nobility in the heart and kindness in spirit. The Governor ended His speech quoting the last verse of Rig Veda, that expressed unity and experiencing the wholeness in life. He also stated that He has come as an ardent devotee of the Mahaswamiji to listen to His Anugraha Bhashanam.
The Jagadguru’s Anugraha Bhashanam
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, the Jagadguru said that it is a matter of great joy for all devotees and also for Himself that the occasion for a Sringeri Jagadguru to observe Chaturmasya at Sringeri had come about after 52 years.
The Jagadguru emphasized that if today Vedic and Shastric scholars exist, it is because of Sri Adi Shankaracharya. He resuscitated Sanatana Dharma and established the Chaturamnaya Peethams to carry on His work. With great gratitude, our Parameshti Guru, Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Mahaswamiji rediscovered the birthplace of the great Acharya at Kalady, got His complete works published and directed everyone to observe Shankara Jayanti. The Jagadguru brought attention to the universality of the Acharya’s outlook. He mentioned that Sri Shankaracharya’s works cater to the needs of all kinds of people.
The Jagadguru then spoke about what we should seek from God. Many implore God’s intervention to secure a job, to provide an offspring, to help in finding a match for their son or daughter. Sri Adi Shankaracharya pointed out that one must instead seek God to help remove one’s ego and develop humility. No one can lay a claim to omniscience except न हि सर्वः सर्वं जानाति. God alone is omniscient. Bhartruhari has said with respect to humility, “I once thought I knew everything. Now as I gain knowledge from elders, I realize that I knew naught back then.”
The Shastras urge a rich man to realize that there will be men richer than him and be humble about his wealth. A poor man must realize that there will be men poorer than himself, and be satisfied with his status. Hence one must never feel that he is superior to everyone else. Despite speaking at length, and listening to such teachings, we do not seem to shed our ego. Hence pray to God for removing your ego.
The second prayer is to stop desires from springing up in the mind and be content with what one has. Bhagavan says in the Gita:
यदृच्छालाभसन्तुष्टः द्वन्द्वातीतो विमत्सरः ।
समः सिद्धावसिद्धौ च गुणातीतः स उच्यते ॥
Bhagavan uses the term, “यदृच्छालाभसन्तुष्टः” to signify that one must be content with one whatever receives, and not approach others and hanker after everything. A man who lacks contentment will not be happy.
The third prayer is to help us cultivate compassion. The fourth prayer is to help one cross the ocean of Samsara: the cycle of births and deaths.
Such must be our prayers: to remove ego, desires, to cultivate compassion and to cross the ocean of Samsara.
The Jagadguru further said that one cannot forego duties when in the midst of problems, but pray to the Lord. That is why Bhagavan said to Arjuna.
तस्मात्सर्वेषु कालेषु मामनुस्मर युध्य च ।
(Hence remember Me at all times and fight)
It is not right to simply sit in prayer (and not perform your duties). Neither would it be appropriate to forget God completeley. It is with this background that Sri Adi Shankaracharya has asked us to pray in the manner as stated above. Hence, we would do well to reflect upon at least one of His instructions and put it into practice.
The Jagadguru then blessed all the devotees of Chennai who with the devout attitude of Guru Seva had contributed to the grand conduct of the Chaturmasya and Navaratri Celebrations.
The Jagadguru then said that when some people expressed anguish that they would not know what to do when He starts from Chennai, He had jovially replied “Keep doing what you were doing before I came to Chennai”. Having said that, the Jagadguru appreciated the faith and devotion of the devotees, and expressed that He had to continue on His Vijaya Yatra as part of His duty, and said that He would continue to pray for the welfare of all during the Chandramoulishwara Puja everyday.
The Chairman of the Chennai Vijaya Yatra committee, Sri A. Krishnamoorthy, led by example and quickly came to be respected and admired by everyone for his leadership and attention to detail to ensure that everyone had the best spiritual experience. The Jagadguru had special words of blessing for Sri A. Krishnamoorthy and said that per the divine inspiration received from His Guru and Goddess Sharada, He was honoring Sri Krishnamoorthy with the title of “Guru Bhakta Ratnam” The text of the title was then read aloud in both Sanskrit and Tamil. The Jagadguru then honored Sri A. Krishnamoorthy.
In the benediction conferring the title, the Jagadguru expressed His choicest blessings on His ardent disciple Sri A Krishnamoorthy. Sri Adi Shankaracharya has said that Guru Bhakti is the primary cause for Shreyas and has expressed thus:
“गुरुचरणाम्बुजनिर्भरभक्तस्संसारादचिराद्भव मुक्तः”
Be ever devoted to the Lotus Feet of the Guru and quickly become liberated from Samsara
and “मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरङ्घ्रिपद्मे ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्”
What indeed is the use of everything else, if the mind is not focussed on the Lotus Feet of the Guru
The benediction further said that Sri A Krishnamoorthy had great Guru Bhakti and was a beloved disciple of Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sri Sannidhanam. He had striven hard to help conduct the Chaturmasya and Navaratri Celebrations of the Jagadguru at Chennai. The benediction concluded by saying that, having seen His Guru Bhakti, he was being conferred the title, “Guru Bhakta Ratnam” by the Jagadguru and blessed him to be a recipient of the abundant grace of Goddess Sharada and Lord Chandramoulishwara”
CEO and Administrator, Guru Seva Dhurina Sri V R Gowrishankar, then honoured Sri A Krishnamoorthy with a shawl and gold necklace. Sri A Krishnamoorthy then received the benediction conveying the title from the Jagadguru. Guru Bhakta Ratnam Sri A Krishnamoorthy and his wife were then blessed by the Jagadguru.
The Jagadguru concluded His Anugraha Bhashanam acknowledging the presence of the Tamil Nadu Governor, His Excellency Dr. K. Rosaiah. The event ended with Mangalam.
The Jagadguru Departs From Sudharma
On October 27, a day after the Guruvandanam was the day the Vijaya Yatra would depart from Sudharma. In the morning, the Jagadguru gave the last Darshan at Sudharma.
In the afternoon, thousands of Vedic pundits offered Guru Vandanam to the Jagadguru. Sudharma was reverberating with chants of the four Vedas. The Vedic pundits later offered flowers to the Padukas of the Jagadguru. The pundits were then felicitated. As part of the function, the devotees of Chennai also took the opportunity to thank Guru Bhakta Ratnam Sri A Krishnamoorthy and Smt. Mallika Srinivasan who are residents of Sudharma and were blessed to host the Chennai Vijaya Yatra for four months. Renowned artist and set-designer in the film industry, Sri Thota Tharani (who had designed the Mandapams and decor at Sudharma) presented a replica of the Puja Mandapam to Sri A. Krishnamoorthy and Smt. Mallika Srinivasan.
The Jagadguru then blessed the gathering and departed Sudharma for the Sringeri Bharathi Vidyashram in T Nagar.
Puja to Goddess Sharada at T Nagar & Volunteer Felicitation
On 28th October, the Jagadguru visited the Sharadamba temple near the Meenakshi College premises, Kodambakkam and graced the Poornahuti of the Shatachandi Mahayaga. On 29th October, the Jagadguru performed a special Puja to Sri Mahaganapati, Sri Adi Shankaracharya and to Goddess Sharada at the Sringeri Bharathi Vidyashram, T Nagar.
On 30th October, a function was held in the divine presence of the Jagadguru at the Sringeri Bharathi Vidyashram, T Nagar to felicitate hundreds of devotees who had volunteered during the Chennai Vijaya Yatra. Speaking on the occasion, CEO & Administrator Sri V R Gowrishankar said that when he had met with the devotees on June 3rd at Chennai, many had wondered about where volunteers would come from for executing various activities during the Chennai Vijaya Yatra. Sri Gowrishankar’s response was that everything would fall into place when the Jagadguru arrived. As predicted, many volunteered their time to make the stay of the Jagadguru in Chennai a truly satisfying one. He compared the Chennai Vijay Yatra to the the satisfaction obtained from conducting the grand Ayuta Chandi Mahayaga during the Shashtiabdapoorthi Celebrations of the Jagadguru at Sringeri in 2011. He concluded by saying that devotees from all over India and across the world had felt that the entire event had taken place in the most successful and satisfying manner, and that the volunteers had a great role to play for such a feeling to arise.
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, the Jagadguru said that devotees had yearned for the Jagadguru to come to Chennai as it was many years since the Kumbhabhisheka at Venkatnarayana Road, T Nagar had been performed by Him in 1995. Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada has stated in His instructions to the Peethadhipatis of the Amnaya Peethams: “सञ्चारः सुविधीयताम्” Making it a duty to undertake Yatras. However the time and circumstances had to come. And it was this year, that the divine inspiration had come from Goddess Sharadamba that a Vijaya Yatra be undertaken in Dakshina Bharata. The Jagadguru recalled that the devotees under the leadership of Guru Bhakta Ratnam A Krishnamoorthy Iyer had come to invite Him to Chennai in January and while He had promised to grace Chennai, He had not given assuarances regarding the conduct of Chaturmasya and Navaratri at Chennai. What had come to the Goddess was the divine inspiration to undertake a Vijaya Yatra and not the locations of Chaturmasya or Navaratri. The Jagadguru also spoke at length mentioning that it is His Svabhava to prefer places free from all kinds of disturbances. It was at Alwarkurichi that the the decision was made. The Jagadguru mentioned seeing a photograph in Tirunelveli showing the group of volunteers who had served His Paramaguru, Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji during His Vijaya Yatra to Tirunelveli in 1926, and said that devotees had hailed from families of such selfless service for making the stay of the Jagadguru a pleasant one. The Jagadguru had special words of blessings for the volunteers for they had performed their duties in facilitating Darshan for all visiting devotees. The Jagadguru then blessed every one of them individually.
On 1st November, the Jagadguru started from T Nagar and graced Villivakkam. The Jagadguru was welcomed at the entrance of Agastheeshwarar temple with Poornakumbha by industrialist Sri Venu Srinivasan and other temple authorities. After having Darshan at the temple, the Jagadguru graced the Sharada Seva Samiti at Villivakkam. In His Anugraha Bhashanam, the Jagadguru expressed joy at the visit and blessed the devotees for their devotion to the Sringeri Jagadguru for it was their devotion that had brought Him there.
The Jagadguru at Ambattur
The Jagadguru then proceeded to Ambattur in Chennai and was received with Poornakumbha Swagata and graced the public function to welcome Him. Ardent devotees recalled their experiences with the Jagadguru in their addresses. In His Anugraha Bhashanam, the Jagadguru said that Dharma is essential for every man. This is because happiness can be obtained only by Dharma. The desire to be happy in this life and the next is natural for everyone. This desire can be fulfilled only by adhering to Dharma and abstaining from Adharma.
Desiring for happiness without adherence to Dharma is akin to a student wishing to pass an exam without studying. This teaching of adherence to Dharma has been present since time immemorial. This was taught by Bhagavan Sri Krishna too. Bhagavan Himself said to Arjuna that He had given this teaching earlier to Vivasvan, who had in turn passed it on to Manu, who then handed it down to Ikshvaku:
इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम् ।
विवस्वान् मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत् ।।
The teaching was again given to Arjuna as there had been a discontinuity in its passing down. Hence one must not think that this teaching was new and given first to Arjuna. Sri Bhagavan also says:
सहयज्ञाः प्रजाः सृष्ट्वा पुरोवाच प्रजापतिः ।
अनेन प्रसविष्यध्वमेष वोऽस्त्विष्टकामधुक् ॥
देवान् भावयताऽनेन ते देवा भावयन्तु वः ।
परस्परं भावयन्तः श्रेयः परमवाप्यस्थ ॥
At the beginning of creation, Bhagavan had instructed that one must adhere to Vaidika Dharma. Let people on the earth please the Devas with Yajnas and the Devas, thus pleased, bless the earth with rain and bountifulness. The Jagadguru thus clarified that this Dharma has been in existence since time immemorial, and one must adhere to it in pursuit of happiness.
The Jagadguru pointed out that the significance of the word “Dharma” is so profound that Jaimini Maharshi penned the Mimamsa Shastra (the largest of all the Shad Darshanas – the six schools of philosophy, and comprising of of sixteen Adhyayas, each Adhyaya running into four Paadas). The Shastra begins with enquiry into Dharma – “अथातो धर्मजिज्ञासा” – and goes into great lengths discussing it.
The Jagadguru said that as we do not have the eligibility to study the works of Maharshi Jaimini and understand Dharma, our ancestors have described certain important qualities that will determine if one is a Dharmika.
The first quality described is Ahimsa. Ahimsa does not constitute mere abstinence from murdering another or causing physical harm to others. One must not even speak in such a manner that causes hurt to others. When describing the various sins as those arising out of the body, out of speech and out of the mind, the Shastras state that hurting others by speaking harshly constitutes a sin arising out of the organ of speech. Hence we must ensure that we do not cause injury or harm to anyone by any means.
In describing the second quality that is essential for one who can be considered a Dharmika, the Jagadguru quoted from the Taittiriya Upanishad on the importance of speaking Satya – the truth. The tenet “सत्यं वद” – is the first instruction given by the Guru after the student has learned everything under the Guru and is ready to leave the vicinity of the Guru and return home to enter into the life of a householder.
The Jagadguru also clarified that those who become successful in life through unjust means or by lying will not remain so for long. Wealth that has been accumulated by improper means will not stay with you for long. The Jagadguru also quoted the examples of Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) and Duryodhana and stated that we revere Dharmaraja even today while Duryodhana is hated. People even name their children as Dharmaraja but never name any child as Duryodhana. This is because Yudhishthira epitomizes Dharma while Duryodhana is the symbol of Adharma. All of Dharmaraja’s trials were to uphold Dharma. So it is our innate respect towards Dharma that makes us name our children after Dharmaraja. The Jagadguru hence said we should not seek name, fame or wealth through unjust means. That is why the Shastras say:
न्यायोपार्जितवित्तेन कर्तव्यं ह्यात्मरक्षणम्.
If one looks at the account of Raja Harishchandra, we see that Sage Vishwamitra took great pains to make him lie. Harishchandra however, without swerving from truth, gave up his kingdom, and even sold his own wife, son and himself to keep up his word to the Sage. This is why we respect Harishchandra. Such was his adherence to truth that even today, when we read the Upaakhyaana of Raja Harishchandra in the Mahabharata, we study it with great respect.
The third quality mentioned for a Dharmika is to abstain from even thinking about usurping another’s property.
The fourth quality is to be able to keep the mind pure. One should never harbour ignoble thoughts. The Shruti Herself declares – तस्मात्य त्पुरुषो मनसाऽभिगच्छति तद्वाचा वदति तत्कर्मणा करोति । – Man speaks what he thinks. He does what he speaks. Hence we must not even allow unnecessary thoughts to even enter the mind. Pure thoughts alone should occupy the mind. The thoughts must revolve around fulfilling one’s duty.
The other quality mentioned is Shaucham – purity. While the body can be cleaned by a bath and made pure and clean by wearing fresh clothes, this alone does not qualify as purity, for the mind has to be pure. If an impure thought occurs in the mind, then you are still not a Dharmika.
The Jagadguru thus summarized that one must adhere to Ahimsa and engage in Satya Paripalanam while eschewing all inappropriate thoughts and maintaining purity.
Hence everyone must be a Dharmishta – one who is established in Dharma. The Jagadguru stated that this was His wish, and it had been the intent of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada.
The Jagadguru then gave an illustration from the Mahabharata to convey the significance of a man established in Dharma. The Pandavas had gone to an exile of 12 years and were living the 13th year incognito, under the condition that if discovered they would have to go to exile again. Duryodhana sought his grandfather Bhishma’s help for finding where the Pandavas could be living. The reply given by Bhishma is of great significance. Bhishma admitted that he too did not know where the Pandavas were living. However, that kingdom which is observed to be prosperous, will be the one where Yudhishthira says, for wherever a Dharmika stays, the place would be bountiful. Sringeri too had attracted Sri Adi Shankaracharya with the sight of natural enemies – a cobra and frog living in amity because sages such as Rishyashringa had lived for long in Sringeri and had performed intense Tapas. The Yoga Shastra says – अहिंसाप्रतिष्ठायां तत्सन्निधौ वैरत्यागः – Even natural enemies would live amicably where there are people living in Ahimsa.
The Jagadguru ended His Anugraha Bhashanam expressing happiness over the Dharmic activities happening in the Ambattur region of Chennai and blessed the devotees. The Jagadguru later performed the night Sharada Chandramoulishwara Puja.
The following day, the Jagadguru graced the Pathashala at Ambattur named Sri Jagadguru Veda Kavya Vidya Bhavanam, and blessed the teachers led by Vedabrahmasri Chandramouli Shrouthi and the Vidyarthis. Returning from the Pathashala, the Jagadguru gave Darshan to the devotees at Ambattur and proceeded towards Tiruttani in the evening.