Tiruppur: May 2-4, 2017
Jagadgurus at Tiruppur
The Ubhaya Jagadgurus arrived at Tiruppur in the evening of May 2, 2017 to a rapturous welcome. Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam were first received with Poornakumbha Swagata at the entrance of the Goddess Sharadamba temple of the Sringeri Shankara Math in Tiruppur. After the Jagadgurus had Darshan, Sri Sannidhanam was taken in a procession. Dhuli Pada Pooja was then performed by Dr. Natarajan. The public function organised on the occasion began with Veda Ghosha. As part of prayer, “Pasaydan” of Sant Jnaneshwar and “Sri Shankaracharyam Bhaja re” (composition by Sri Mahasannidhanam) were rendered. Sri TR Ramanathan speaking on the occasion recounted the saying of Sri Ramalinga Adigalar as to how the Guru-Shishya relationship is. Quoting the words “Vazhaiyadi Vazhai”, just as a plantain gives rise to a sapling at its very base, the Guru nurtures the disciple and makes the disciple like Himself i.e. akin to the Guru. Dignitaries such as Tiruppur MLA Sri Gunasekaran and industrialists paid their respects on the occasion.
Sri Sannidhanam in His Anugraha Bhashanam underscored the importance of Astikyam (faith in the Shastras, Dharma-Adharma, Punarjanma, and Ishwara as the dispenser of the fruits of actions) by narrating an incident of Valmiki Ramayana. After the passing of Dasharatha, Bharata came to the forest and requested Sri Rama to return to Ayodhya. Sri Rama replied that it would be improper for Him to give up the word he had given to his late father, and that his father would be watching him from the heavens.
At that time, Maharshi Jabali addressed Sri Rama and said, “All human relationships are part of Samsara and are fleeting. They are Mithya – mere appearances. How can it be said that Dasharatha is looking from the heavens. Moreover, how can an offering given during the Shraaddha ceremony reach someone in a different plane of existence. It is as absurd as trying to appease the hunger of a person away from town, by throwing a feast to the townsfolk in the name of that person.”
Upon hearing this, Sri Rama said, “I am now angry with my father. How could he have allowed someone with such poor faith in the Shastras to live in his country?”
The Maharshi then said, “I do not doubt the Shastras. Bharata was begging you to return. Only to try and ensure that you return to Ayodhya, I spoke in that manner.”
Sri Rama once again reiterated, “I have accepted to be in exile in the forest for fourteen years. Hence I cannot go back on my word just because this opportunity to return presents itself.”
Quoting this incident, Sri Sannidhanam said that it is essential to have steadfast faith in the Vedic tradition.
Sri Mahasannidhanam in His Anugraha Bhashanam stated that once when a great person wished to convey an Upadesha, no one was ready to listen. People who had had education felt there was no need for any instruction. People who were wealthy said they had no time. People who were neither educated nor wealthy felt that they would not understand what was about to be told.
The educated have to remember that how much ever we learn, there is always a lot more to learn. The Shastras are akin to an ocean. Is it possible to empty the ocean of its waters? The Vedas mention that Bharadwaja spent three lifetimes studying the Vedas and yet could not finish the study. Indra appeared at the end of his third lifetime and asked Bharadwaja what he would do if he were to get another life. Bharadwaja determinedly said that he will complete the study of the Vedas. Indra then pointed to three mountains representing all Vedic knowledge and said to Bharadwaja that his knowledge acquired over three lifetimes was merely equivalent to three fistfuls of earth taken from the three mountains. That is why it is said that the Vedas have no limit – अनन्ता वै वेदाः. The moral is that no matter how learned one is, one has to realize that there is always more to learn.
The wealthy have to remember that the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, is also called Chanchala or the one who is restless. Wealth slips through our hands in an instant. Hence haughtiness owing to wealth should not be a reason for us to not learn.
It is completely improper for anyone to state that he cannot learn something without even trying. Instead of being disheartened, it is essential to strive and try to understand Upadeshas given by a Mahatma.
Sri Mahasannidhanam also conveyed that noble company and steadfast devotion to God are two essential instructions of Sri Adi Shankaracharya that all must strive to follow.
Sri Mahasannidhanam then remembered the services of late Sri Sundaram and Sri Ramachandra Iyer in the setting up of the Tiruppur branch of Sringeri Math.
Later, Sri Sannidhanam performed the Sharada Chandramoulishwara Pooja.
On May 3, Sri Sannidhanam performed Pooja to Goddess Sharadamba at the Sringeri Shankara Math, Tiruppur. Thereafter, the Jagadgurus gave Darshan to devotees.
In the evening, Sri Sannidhanam visited the Kalyana Subrahmanya Swamy temple and had Darshan. Sri Sannidhanam then blessed devotees assembled at the Pannirendaar Kalyana Mandapam. Later, Sri Sannidhanam then performed the Sharada Chandramoulishwara Pooja.
On May 4, 2017, the Jagadgurus blessed the devotees at Tiruppur with Mantrakshata during the morning Darshan. In the afternoon, the Jagadgurus started towards Karur. En route, the Jagadgurus graced Perundurai and blessed the devotees of Sharada Ceramics in the industrial area in Perundurai. The Jagadgurus then arrived at Vellakoil and were received by devotees led by Chettiar families. Sri Mahasannidhanam blessed the devotees with His Anugraha Bhashanam.