Mahadanapuram: May 8-9, 2017
Jagdgurus at Mahadanapuram
Arriving in the Agrahara of Mahadanapuram on May 8, 2017, the Jagadgurus were received respectfully by the residents and led along the main Agrahara having at its two ends, a temple for Lord Shiva and a temple for Lord Vishnu.
In the public function, Dhuli Pada Puja was performed by Sri Sundara Sharma and family. After Veda Ghosha and Sanskrit Swagata Patrika (read by Sri Sundara Sharma), Sri Rajaraman mentioned about the Anugraha of Sringeri Jagadgurus on Mahadanapuram that were driving a number of Dharmic activities. These activities included the running of many Pathashalas, the renovation of the ancient Kashi Vishwanathar temple at the nearby village of Thimmachipuram, the conduct of Aradhanas of various Sannyasis including the former Mathadhipatis of the Nelamavu Math, the presence of an Agnihotri, the setting up of Mahadanapuram as a monthly camp conducting centre of Samskrita Bharati, and the ongoing renovation of the Aiyyampalayam temple of Lord Dandapani.
Sri Mahasannidhanam in His Anugraha Bhashanam talked about what “Svaartha” is. While people understand the word as selfish and naturally detest selfish persons, Sri Adi Shankaracharya has said that one who truly understands “Svaartha” as that which brings about actual benefit, will be set on the path of Shreyas and realise that the import of “Svaartha” is essentially Moksha. This cannot happen without Atma Jnana. Again the competence for this comes only from Chitta Shuddhi – purification of the mind – which again is a product of engagement in Karma without desire for the results. Sri Mahasannidhanam also mentioned that Mahadanapuram is blessed to have the Samadhi shrines of many Sannyasis such as Bhashya Swamigal (Sri Sacchidananda Tirtha), Sri Kamalananda Bharati, Sri Ramananda Saraswati, Sri Narayananda Bharati etc.
Given that the following day was the auspicious day of Narasimha Jayanti, Sri Mahasannidhanam mentioned that Sri Narasimha came as स्तम्भसम्भवः — one who arose out of a pillar — to show His omnipresence and to make true the words of His dear devotee, Prahlada.
Sri Sannidhanam in His Anugraha Bhashanam spoke about the importance of Guru Upadesha. To illustrate this, Sri Sannidhanam mentioned the Upanishadic story of Raja Janashruti who was driven, by Maharshis who came as swans, to approach the Jnani Raikva for Upadesha. Sri Sannidhanam then said that the Shastras dictate what is beneficial and what is harmful to us — हितं अहितं च यत् शास्ति तत् शास्त्रम्. It is wrong to ask how long one must refraining from Adharma and adhere to Svadharma must be done. Staying in the Dharmic path has to continue until one experiences the results in the path of Shreyas. Sri Sannidhanam also mentioned that the Anugraha of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada can be truly experienced only on studying His texts. Sri Sannidhanam also stated that today many people in these times hesitate to even visit their native villages because of the constant need to remain connected to the Internet. They are more concerned about the strength or weakness of the signal that drives their phones without realizing the fact that it is their duty to protect tradition in villages.
Sri Mahasannidhanam then performed the Sharada Chandramoulishwara Puja.
On May 9, Sri Sannidhanam graced the nearby towns of Manathattai, Thimmachipuram and Karupattur. Sri Sannidhanam had Darshan at the temples of Sri Vishalakshi Sameta Vishwanathar temple in Manathattai, Sri Kashi Vishwanathar temple in Thimmachipuram and Sri Simhapureeshwarar temple in Karupattur. In all these towns, Sri Sannidhanam blessed the devotees with Anugraha Bhashanams. Then, Sri Sannidhanam returned to Mahadanapuram and graced the house of Agnihotri Bellamkonda Srinivasa Somayaji in Mahadanapuram and blessed the family. Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam then granted Darshan to devotees.
The day marking Sri Narasimha Jayanti (Vaishakha Shukla Chaturdashi), Sri Mahasannidhanam then performed an elaborate Puja to the golden Vigraha of Lord Narasimha in the Puja Mandapam.
In the afternoon, the Jagadgurus blessed the devotees at Mahadanapuram and travelled towards Srirangam.