Hosagunda: APRIL 4-5, 2013

Jagadguru Blesses Ancient Temple Restorations

Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji arrived at Anandapuram near Hosagunda at around 6:30 pm on the evening of 4th April 2013. Devotees led by Sri CM Narayana Shastry welcomed the Jagadguru. CEO & Administrator, Sri V R Gowrishankar was also present. The Jagadguru then travelled to Hosagunda and was led in a procession to the heritage area. After Dhuli Pada Puja and Swagata Patrika Vachanam, the Jagadguru in His brief Anugraha Bhashanam praised the efforts to restore the glory of the heritage of this town that is nearly a millenium old.




The following morning, the Jagadguru had Darshan of Sri Uma Maheshwara in the Balaalayam. The Jagadguru also had Darshan of Sri Veerabhadra and Sri Mahishasuramardini. The Jagadguru then witnessed the restoration and construction activity for the temples of Sri Uma Maheshwara, Sri Prasanna Narayana, Goddess Kali and Sri Lakshmi Ganapati. The Jagadguru in His morning Anugraha Bhashanam spoke about the Grace of Bhagavan in our lives for us to attain success in our endeavours and to achieve Shreyas. The Jagadguru provided a number of reasonings to drive home this fact. Going about our lives with unflinching devotion will ensure that our lives are purposeful. The Jagadguru then specially blessed Sri CM Narayana Shastry and invoked the blessings of Goddess Sharada and Lord Chandramoulishwara for the restoration work at Hosagunda.

