Kochi: June 15-16, 2017
Jagadgurus in Kochi
Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam arrived at Mattancherry in Kochi to a rapturous reception. On arrival at Mattancherry in Kochi, Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji had Darshan at the Dharma Shasta temple. Dhuli Pada Puja was performed by Sri V S Parasurama Iyer of the Karanthayar Palayam Maha Samooham. After Veda Ghosha and Prarthana, a Swagata Patrika in Malayalam was read and submitted to the Jagadgurus. Sri Ramalingam, Vice President, All India Brahmins’ Federation speaking on the occasion attributed the grace of the Jagadgurus to the successful functioning of the “Sri Bharati Tirtha Veda Pathashala” at Mattancherry. A book containing the Ashtottara of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada in Malayalam script was released on the occasion as part of the Adi Shankaracharya Ashtottara Shatanama Parayana Yajnam.
Sri Sannidhanam in His Anugraha Bhashanam explained the importance of two Vedic dictums – speaking the truth and Ahimsa (non-injury to others through thought, word and deed).
Sri Mahasannidhanam in His Anugraha Bhashanam explained the greatness of the Avatara of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada. During the Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Mahasannidhanam mentioned that there are many who teach the Vedas and many others who support Vedic education. However times have come that even such people hesitate to send their own child to study the Vedas. Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that we must understand the importance of the Vedic tradition and imbibe it in our lives.
Later Sri Sannidhanam performed the Sharada Chandramoulishwara Puja.
On June 16, Sri Sannidhanam visited the Janardana Swamy temple at Amaravathy, had Darshan and blessed devotees with an Anugraha Bhashanam.
Thereafter, Sri Mahasannidhananam and Sri Sannidhanam graced the Sri Bharati Tirtha Veda Pathashala run by Sri Ramalingam, Vice President, All India Brahmins’ Federation and blessed the Adhyapaka and Vidyarthis. The Jagadgurus then inaugurated a Vriddhashrama named Sri Sharada Chandramoulishwara Niketan.
After granting Darshan to the devotees and blessing them with Mantrakshata, the Jagadgurus started for Ernakulam in the early evening.