Mysuru: March 11-13, 2017
Jagadgurus at Mysuru
Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam and Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam arrived at Mysuru in the afternoon of March 11, 2017. The Ubhaya Jagadgurus were received with Poornakumbha Swagata at the entrance of the Sri Lakshmi Ramana temple inside the Mysuru Royal Palace. Rajamata Her Highness Pramoda Devi Wadiyar respectfully welcomed the Jagadgurus.
Sri Mahasannidhanam then proceeded to Abhinava Shankaralaya in Mysuru and had Darshan at the shrines of Sri Mahaganapati, Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Goddess Sharadamba, Sri Abhinava Shankara (the epithet of the 33rd Sringeri Acharya, Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamiji) and Sri Satyanarayana.
Sri Sannidhanam had Darshan of Sri Lakshmi Ramana Swamy and was led to the silver Ratha belonging to the Mysuru Royal Family. Gracing the silver Ratha, Sri Sannidhanam was joyfully led in a procession from the palace to the Abhinava Shankaralaya. On arrival in the premises, Sri Sannidhanam also had Darshan at the aforementioned shrines.
In a public function organised on the occasion, Dharmadhikari Sri H Ramachandra performed the Dhuli Pada Puja and welcomed the Jagadgurus.
The Sringeri-Mysuru Bond
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Mahasannidhanam said that the city of Mysuru is very dear to Him as it is the birthplace of His Parameshti Guru, Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamiji. Just as Kalady being the birthplace of Sri Adi Shankaracharya is sacred, Mysuru too being the birthplace of Sri Abhinava Shankara is sacred
Recounting His first Yatra to Mysuru immediately after His own Sannyasa Sweekara, Sri Mahasannidhanam said that His Guru (Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji) had started on a Yatra in early 1975 and had planned to travel via Hassan, Mysuru, Sathyamangalam, Karur and Madurai en route to Rameswaram to conduct the Kumbhabhisheka. At that time, Sri Mahasannidhanam had started on the Pushya Krishna Pratipat with the Kumbhabhisheka at Rameswaram set for Pushya Krishna Dashami. Consequently, he had decided to stay only for a couple of days in Mysuru, and had conveyed the same to the then Dharmadhikari, Sri P R Hariharan.
Likewise, Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that in a repeat of events that had unfolded 42 years ago (in 1975), He was now travelling into Tamil Nadu with His Shishya, and that due to the activities planned during the Yatra, He too had decided to stay only for a couple of days in Mysuru, and had conveyed it to the present Dharmadhikari, Sri H Ramachandra.
Speaking about Abhinava Shankaralaya, Sri Mahasannidhanam said that His Parama Guru, Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji, had consecrated the Murti of His Guru (Sri Abhinava Shankara) in 1924; that His Guru, Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji had consecrated Goddess Sharadamba and Sri Adi Shankaracharya; and that the Prathishta of the Padukas of His Parameshti Guru were performed by Himself.
Sri Mahasannidhanam blessed one and all, and.expressed happiness over the devotion of the Mysuru residents towards the Sringeri Jagadgurus.
Sri Mahasannidhanam said that just as His Guru had great regard for Him, He too has great regard for His Shishya, Sri Sannidhanam. Sri Mahasannidhanam added that Sri Sannidhanam is a profound scholar, a fine orator and is well-equipped to explain the Dharma-tattva to all.
Birthplace of Sri Sannidhanam’s Parapara Guru
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Sannidhanam expressed happiness at the large gathering of devotees. He said that the citizens of Mysuru deem it their blessing to have Darshan of the Sringeri Jagadguru.
Speaking about the lineage of His Parapara Guru (Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamiji), Sri Sannidhanam remembered the latter’s father (in His Poorvashrama), Sri Kunigal Rama Shastri. Sri Shastri was a reputed scholar in the Mysuru Royal Court and such was his scholarship that he was the first person in South India to write Kroda-patras or research articles in abstruse topics of Nyaya Shastra. These include his famous work called “Shata Koti” that is read by all students of Nyaya to this day.
Sri Kunigal Rama Shastri had performed great Tapas to obtain a son. This son took Sannyasa at the tender age of 8 (the same age as Sri Adi Shankaracharya took Sannyasa), received the Yoga Patta “Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati” from His Guru, became the 33rd Acharya of Sringeri and lived a life underlined by Vedantic ideals and great achievements. It is natural that His birthplace in Mysuru is now home to the “Abhinava Shankaralaya”.
Greatness of Serving Mahatmas
Sri Sannidhanam then underlined the importance of serving Mahatmas. The Mahatmas are ever-calm and compassionate and bring about the welfare of all, like the fresh season of spring – शान्ता महान्तो निवसन्ति सन्तः वसन्तवल्लोकहितं चरन्तः.
Sri Sannidhanam then narrated a simple story to underline the greatness of serving Mahatmas. Once fingers in the hand had an argument as to who is superior, with each one putting forth its importance.
Thumb: Without me, none of the other fingers can function properly.
Index finger: I command all people.
Middle finger: I am at the centre and am the tallest.
Ring finger: I am the most wealthy! All rings reach me first.
Finally the little finger said, “I have no such unique utility or greatness as the other four. However, whenever someone puts up their hand in the Anjali Mudra in reverence to God or Mahatmas, it is me who is fortunate to have their Darshan first.”
The moral here is that irrespective of status, one’s power, position, or wealth, we have to take refuge in a Mahatma and serve.
What stops us from serving are our inner foes such as Ahankara or ego.
Overcoming Inner Foes
In Puranic times, when Hiranyakashipu proclaimed that he had conquered all his foes including the Devatas, his son, the great devotee Prahlada, softly questioned him, “O Father, have you conquered your inner foes?”.
Inner foes such as Ahankara or ego must be overcome. Even if we have power and command authority, we must function with politeness and kindness.
It must be realised that wealth can be volatile. It is best to engage in charity when wealthy, for only wealth that is donated truly becomes one’s own.
द्वारं द्वारमटन् भिक्षुः शिक्षते न तु याचते ।
अदत्त्वा मादृशो मा भूः दत्त्वा त्वं त्वादृशो भव ॥
We must also keep our desires in check. One must remain contented and also have the faith that God takes care even in the most trying situations. Instead man sometimes tries in vain to fulfill his unjust desires. During the Mahabharata war, the first General of the Kaurava army was the great Bhishma. Though he was the senior-most amongst the Kurus and was respected by the Pandavas, he ended up in a bed of arrows. Dronacharya, the Guru of the Pandavas and Kauravas, who became the next General of the Kaurava army also met with his fate. The valorous Karna, who despised the Pandavas was made the General thereafter. Yet he too lost his life. Even then, Duryodhana did not give up his desire of winning the war; he pinned his hopes on Shalya to conquer the Pandavas and made him the General of the army!
गते भीष्मे हते द्रोणे अङ्गराजे दिवंगते ।
आशा बलवती राजन् शल्यो जेष्यति पाण्डवान् ॥
Now, if only he had been contented with what he had, Duryodhana would never have had to meet such a fate. In truth, God takes care of all the needs of the one who is contented.
Likewise, anger must always be controlled. Anger without a proper reason is akin to a stone in the hands of a madman. Even when there is a justifiable reason to be angry, we must only feign anger until the task is accomplished. When we have control over inner foes such as anger, others feel happy in our presence. This, along with the service of Mahatmas, brings about our Shreyas.
Sri Sannidhanam ended His Anugraha Bhashanam by offering His prostrations to His Guru, Sri Mahasannidhanam, and blessing one and all.
Later that night, Sri Mahasannidhanam performed the Sharada Chandramoulishwara Puja. .
The following day, the Jagadgurus gave Darshan at Abhinava Shankaralaya from 10 am to 2 pm as devotees came in huge numbers.
In the evening, Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam were received at the Amba Vilas Palace of the Mysuru Royal family. The royal scion and titular Maharaja of Mysuru, His Highness Sri Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar, and Rajamata Pramoda Devi Wodeyar reverentially offered a traditional welcome to Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam at the entrance of the palace, and led Them in.
Digital Version of Jayachamarajendra Grantha Ratnamala Offered
On the occasion, the royal family submitted, as an offering, a digital version of the Jayachamarajendra Grantha Ratnamala. The Grantha Ratnamala contains the Kannada translation of a number of Vedic and Puranic texts that were published under the direction of the Mysuru Maharaja, His Highness Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar. The Rajamata handed over a copy of the texts in digital form to the CEO of the Math, Dr V R Gowrishankar.
At around 7 pm, Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam graced the Guru Vandana event organized in the precincts of Abhinava Shankaralaya. The royal scion and titular Maharaja of Mysuru, His Highness Sri Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar, was the chief guest. The program began with Veda Ghosha followed by a rendition of “Sri Shankaracharyam Bhaje Re Maanasa Advaita-vidya-gurum” (a composition of Sri Mahasannidhanam). Vidwan H V Nagaraja Rao read out a Sanskrit citation in honour of the Jagadgurus. A Kannada citation (binnavattale) was read out, and was offered by the Mayor of Mysuru, Sri MJ Ravikumar. This was followed by Phala Samarpanam by various dignitaries, and representatives of various institutions and Maths, as well as people of different communities.
Sri Mahasannidhanam then released a Kannada book titled “Janapriya Sri Valmiki Ramayana” penned by Sri HLN Shastri of Mysuru. Sri Mahasannidhanam also released a documentary DVD made by Sri Prashanth Sringeri and titled “Sringeri Jagadgurus and the Royal dynasties of India”. Vidwaan H V Nagaraja Rao was then felicitated for his contribution to Sanskrit over a span of many decades.
Royal Scion Speaks
The royal scion and chief guest of the occasion, Maharaja Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar spoke about how the royal family of Mysuru, over many centuries, has always sought and received the guidance of the Sringeri Jagadgurus. The administration of the Mysuru kingdom too had been conducted with such able guidance from the Acharyas. The Maharaja stated that he too, like his predecessors, held the Sringeri Jagadgurus – Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam – in great reverence and would continue to seek guidance in upholding tradition and culture.
Mayor of Mysuru, Sri MJ Ravikumar also spoke briefly and expressed his devotion to the respectful Jagadgurus of Sringeri.
Sringeri Jagadgurus and the Mysuru Maharajas
The CEO of the Sringeri Math, Dr. V R Gowrishankar, speaking on the occasion, stated that it was the first time that the Ubhaya Jagadgurus had undertaken a Vijaya Yatra to Mysuru and it was quite fitting that the young Maharaja of Mysuru was the chief guest. He stated that the relationship between the Sringeri Math and the Mysuru Royals stretches back many centuries. He underlined the reverence of the Royals towards the Jagadgurus by mentioning that the Maharajas of Mysuru have always deemed it a blessing and received Mantropadesha from the Sringeri Jagadgurus. Sri Gowrishankar recalled the Mysuru Royals’ administration of the Sringeri Math back in the day and stated that their administration is regarded to this day as exemplary. He also stated that all denizens of Mysuru regard the Sringeri Jagadguru as their Guru. In conclusion, The CEO mentioned that the Advaita Sharada Project containing Vedantic works (currently the principal works of Sri Adi Shankaracharya) has been hosted online by the Sringeri Math. Likewise, the digital version of the Jayachamarajendra Grantha Ratnamala collection of Vedic and Puranic books will be hosted by the Sringeri Math.
Sri Sannidhanam’s Anugraha Bhashanam
Scholars of the Mysuru Region
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Sannidhanam talked about the scholars of repute who have adorned the royal court of Mysuru and their respect towards the Sringeri Jagadgurus whom they regarded as “Sakshat Saraswati Swaroopa”. Sri Sannidhanam mentioned the names of erstwhile scholars such as Sri Kunigal Rama Shastri, Sri Lakshminarasimha Shastri (the elder son of the former), and Sri Mandikal Rama Shastri (who had witnessed the historic Kumbhabhisheka of Goddess Sharadamba in Sringeri in 1916 and had penned the “Kumbhabhisheka Champu” in Sanskrit).
Sri Sannidhanam also talked of the faith in the Shastras that scholars such as Sri Kunigal Rama Shastri had. Sri Sannidhanam recounted how the scholar had no doubts that a son would be born to him, because he had performed the Pumsavana Samskara. It was this second son of the scholar who went on to become the 33rd Acharya of Sringeri, Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamiji.
Sri Sannidhanam also mentioned that Sri Kunigal Rama Shastri had written a historic research article or Krodapatra in Nyaya Shastra, named “Shatakoti” that contains 50 Akshepas or objections and 50 Samadhanas or replies. This work became so popular that scholars even wrote a critic on it. This critic was replied to in the work “Shatakoti-Mandanam” by Sri Lakshminarasimha Shastri (elder son of Sri Kunigal Rama Shastri) so as to establish the correctness of “Shatakoti”. Once again, this text too received another critic, which was again replied to by a disciple of Sri Lakshminarasimha Shastri. Such is the profoundness of the original work, “Shatakoti” that is studied to this day.
Sri Sannidhanam expressed joy at the fact the Royal Court of Mysuru had nurtured such scholars of repute.
Anugraha Bhashanam of Sri Mahasannidhanam
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Mahasannidhanam said that many today, despite having wealth, comforts, and a good status in society, complain of a lack of peace. This is because of the attitude of people who have begun to feel, “Whatever I say must happen”, “Why should I listen to another?”, “How is anyone superior to me?” or “In what way am I lower than you?”.
A magistrate of a high court had said that he had been presented with strange lawsuits such as one wherein the daughter-in-law had complained that she was being asked by the mother-in-law to observe the Ekadashi Vrata, and another where a tiff between a married couple over cleaning vessels had brought them to court!
The Oneness of All
We have to remember that these problems arise out of the ego and sense of differences that we harbour.
Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada has stated in a beautiful verse that everyone is equal – “त्वयि मयि चान्यत्रैको विष्णुः, व्यर्थं कुप्यसि मय्यसहिष्णुः । सर्वस्मिन्नपि पश्यात्मानं सर्वत्र उत्सृज भेदज्ञानम्” – “The same divine Consciousness pervades you and me. So why do you become intolerant and get angry with me? Be aware of the Self in all. Give up the sense of duality and difference.”
When Sri Adi Shankaracharya was walking towards the river Ganga at Kashi (for His mid-day bath), He asked a man who had come close to Him, to move away. The Acharya was immediately asked, “Who or what must move aside? Is it the body that is inert? Or the all-pervading Atman? How can you being a Vedantin say so?”. Amazed and realising that the Lord Himself had come, Sri Adi Shankaracharya prostrated before the questioner. Indeed, it was Lord Kashi Vishwanatha who had come. According to Advaita Siddhanta, this unity amidst us is inherent and so we have to act accordingly, living in amity, without feelings of inferiority or superiority.
The Effect of Desires & Ego
Sri Mahasannidhanam then mentioned that another reason for our lack of peace is our ever-increasing desires. People feel frustrated when their desires do not come true. Even if they do realize their desires, despite rightful or even unjust efforts, people lose interest in what has been achieved or obtained within a few days. It has to be understood by experience that a reduction in desires naturally transforms into an increase in contentment and bliss.
Daivi Sampat or Divine Qualities
Daivi Sampat or the wealth of divine qualities, such as speaking the truth, forbearance, humility etc are to be cultivated, if we wish to break out of this cycle of births and deaths. The purpose of Vedanta is to inspire people to cultivate this Daivi Sampat as a basic foundation for spiritual life – “दैवीसम्पद्विमोक्षाय निबन्धायासुरी मता” – and free oneself of Aasuri Sampat or demoniac qualities (ego, anger etc.) that bind us. This has been explained in the 16th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.
The exposition of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada is most useful for us. That is why the Sringeri Jagadgurus engage in Vedanta Tattva Prachara and Dharma Prachara.
Sri Mahasannidhanam then mentioned that historical records are indicative of the strong relationship between the Sringeri Jagadgurus and the Mysuru Royals, and contain descriptions of many visits of the Jagadgurus to Mysuru. Sri Mahasannnidhanam said that in recent times, His Guru (Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji) and He Himself had graced Mysuru. Sri Mahasannidhanam then blessed the royal scion, Sri Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar, who wishes to continue the tradition.
Sri Mahasannidhanam also blessed the elderly author, Sri HLN Shastri who has been authoring books for more than half a century now. Sri Mahasannidhanam ended His Anugraha Bhashanam expressing joy at the huge numbers of ardent devotees at Mysuru and conveying His Blessings for all.
Jagadgurus Grace institutions
On March 13, 2017, Sri Mahasannidhanam graced the premises of Sriranga Digital Technologies, the firm that has been providing the technical expertise for the Advaita Sharada Project, and blessed the members of the firm led by Professor Yogananda and Sri Arjun Kashyap. Sri Sannidhanam graced the Jnanodaya Pre-University College run under the auspices of the Sringeri Math and blessed the staff and students of the college.
The Ubhaya Jagadgurus gave Darshan in the morning and blessed the huge gathering of devotees with Mantrakshata. In the afternoon, Sri Sannidhanam also graced the Sriranga Digital Technologies and enquired about the ongoing digitization efforts.
At around 4:30 pm, the Ubhaya Jagadgurus started from Mysuru towards Hebbasuru and enroute, blessed the devotees of Nanjangud assembled in the Sri Chamundeshwari temple in the outskirts of Nanjangud.